Education is the process of discovering self, environment and the society at large. This process is not restricted to school textbooks. It is above all a holistic and lifetime activity.

No wonder the OLA Sisters Policy on Education states – “In OLA Schools, we do not only train our children, we endeavour to foster education that will last throughout their lives”.

As OLA Sisters we identify and nurture the unique and unequivocal talent in each child. We are trained and equipped with the responsibility to develop the whole child – Socially, Emotionally, Academically and Spiritually (Train children in the right way and when old, they will not stray) - Proverbs 22:6.

We also form our Staff so that as care-givers they will impart the right values on our cherished and tender children.

Education in OLA Schools goes beyond reading and writing. It involves other extra-curricular activities that steadily develop the three main domains of Education – Affective, Cognitive and Psychomotor domains.

Our institutions do not compromise values. As creatures and children of one God, we treat and attend to each child with respect whether the parents are rich or poor. We are not influenced by the status/positions of parents and other persons who relates with us.

We have a Scholarship scheme that is geared towards cushioning the cost effect of training our staff children and also indigent children in our locality.